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Tsiropoulou Wins Best Paper Award at WMNC

September 16, 2019

ECE Prof Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou was awarded the best paper award at the 12th Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference in Paris, France on Sept 13, 2019. 

WMNC 2019 provides a forum for discussion for researchers, practitioners and students interested in new developments in mobile and wireless networks, services, applications and mobile computing.  

The winning paper, “Redesigning Resource Management in Wireless Networks based on Games in Satisfaction Form” was co-authored by ECE Ph.D. student Mr. Pavlos Athanasios Apostolopoulos as well as Mr. Panagiotis Promponas and Prof. Symeon Papavassiliou, research collaborators from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. 

“In this work, we proposed a novel framework in order to redesign the way resource management is performed in 5G networks and beyond. The proposed framework is based on Game Theory and the games in satisfaction form,” said Dr. Tsiropoulou.

Please click this sentence to view the award winning paper.

This research work is part of Dr. Tsiropoulou’s NSF CRII project entitled NSF CRII: NeTS: Real-life modeling for EFficient RESource management in Heterogeneous multi-user systems - REFRESH.

WMNC 2019 combines PWC (Personal Wireless Communications conference), MWCN (Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks conference), and WSAN (Wireless Sensors and Actor Networks conference) into one event. It is Technically Sponsored by IFIP and IEEE. 

PROTON Lab performs high-quality research in the field of resource management in interdependent systems with multiple applications in several areas, such as 5G and 6G networks, Internet of Things, Public Safety, Mobile Edge Computing, and others. We are proud of our achievements and the best is yet to come!” said Dr. Tsiropoulou.

Eirini Eleni TsiropoulouAward