
Course # Course Title Faculty Coordinator Semester
500 Theory of Linear Systems Dr. Fierro Fall
502 Reinforcement Learning Dr. Xiang Sun Fall
506 Optimization Theory Dr. Pattichis Fall, even years
510 Deep Learning Dr. Martinez-Ramon Fall
514 Nonlinear Control Dr. Oishi Spring
516 Computer Vision Dr. Pattichis  Fall, odd years
517 Machine Learning Dr. Martinez-Ramon Fall
520 VLSI Design Dr. Zarkesh-Ha Spring
521 Advanced Machine Learning Dr. Martinez-Ramon Spring
522 Hardware/Software Codesign with FPGAs Dr. Plusquellic Fall
523 Analog Electronics Dr. Zarkesh-Ha Fall
524 Network Economics Dr. Devetsikiotis Spring
525 Hardware Oriented Security & Trust Dr. Plusquellic Spring
533 Digital Image Processing Dr. Pattichis Spring
534 Plasma Physics I Dr. Gilmore Fall
537 Foundations of Computing Dr. Palacios Fall
538 Advanced Computer Architecture Dr. Plusquellic Fall
539 Digital Signal Processing Dr. Santhanam Spring
540 Advanced Networking Topics Dr. Jordan Fall
541 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Dr. Santhanam Fall
542 Digital Communications Theory Dr. Santhanam Spring
545 Introduction to Quantum Information Science Dr. Marvian Fall
547 Quantum Error Correction Dr. Marvian Spring
549 Information Theory and Coding Dr. Jayaweera Spring
560 Introduction to Microwave Engineering Dr. Gilmore Fall
561 Electrodynamics Dr. Shamiloglu Spring
563 Computational Methods for Electromagnetics Dr. Christodoulou Fall
569 Antennas for Wireless Communications Dr. Christodoulou Spring
571 Materials & Devices 2 Dr. Cavallo Fall
575 Introduction to Electro-Optics and Optoelectronics Dr. Feezell Fall
576 Modern VLSI Devices Dr. Balakrishnan Spring
583 Power Electronics Dr. Bidram Fall
584 Photovoltaics Dr. Bidram Fall
588 Smart Grid Technologies Dr. Bidram Spring

*On the Qualifying exam, students will be tested on the 3 major core courses*


Emphasis Area

Major Core Course Requirements

Computer Engineering

Bioengineering with CompE

List A: Select at-least two core courses from: ECE 502, ECE 510, ECE 516, ECE 517, ECE 520, ECE 524, ECE 525, ECE 533, ECE 537, ECE 538, ECE 540, ECE 549.


List B: Select at-most one core course from: ECE 506, ECE 521, ECE 522, ECE 539, ECE 541, ECE 542.


On the Qualifying exam, students will be tested on the 3 major core courses.  Additionally, students can select any ECE core course as the 4th minor core course, including courses on Lists A or B above.

Computer Architecture & VLSI Design

Computer Systems and Networks

Computer Vision and Image Processing

Information Systems

Internet of Things

Quantum Information Systems

Required: ECE 537, 545, 547, and at least one from: CHEM 587, PHYC 566, 571, 572, 581

Electrical Engineering

Applied Electromagnetics

ECE560 Intro. to Microwave Engineering (Fall), ECE561 Electrodynamics (Spring), Either: 1) ECE534 Plasma Physics I (Fall, Plasma Science track), OR 2) ECE569 Antennas (Spring, Antennas track).  4th course required for Ph.D.: ECE 563 Computational Methods for Electromagnetics

Bioengineering with EE

ECE533 Digital Image Processing (Spring) + one additional approved by faculty advisor


And one of:

ECE561 Electrodynamics (Spring, Applied EM track)

ECE539 Digital Signal Processing (Spring, Signal Processing track)

ECE500 Theory of Linear Systems (Fall, Systems & Controls track)


ECE500 Theory of Linear Systems (Fall), ECE541 Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes (Fall), ECE542 Digital Communications Theory (Spring)

Image Processing

ECE533 Digital Image Processing (Spring), ECE541 Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes (Fall), ECE539 Digital Signal Processing (Spring)


ECE520 VLSI Design (Spring), ECE523 Analog Electronics (Fall), ECE576 Modern VLSI Devices (Spring)


Required Core (M.S. and Ph.D.):

ECE 561 Electrodynamics (Spring), ECE 571 Materials & Devices 2 (Fall), ECE 575 Introduction to Electro-Optics and Optoelectronics (Fall).


Plus 1 of the following (M.S.) or 2 of the following (Ph.D.):

ECE 564 Guided Wave Optics (Spring, odd years), ECE 567 IR Detectors (Spring, even years), ECE 577 Fundamentals of Semiconductor LEDs and Lasers (Spring).

Power and Energy

ECE583 Power Electronics (Fall), ECE584 Photovoltaics (Spring), ECE588 Smart Grid Technologies (Spring)

Signal Processing

ECE500 Theory of Linear Systems (Fall), ECE541 Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes (Fall), ECE539 Digital Signal Processing (Spring)

Systems & Controls

ECE500 Theory of Linear Systems (Fall), ECE 514 Nonlinear Control (Spring), ECE541 Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes (Fall)

AOP Course Plan