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Photo: Viktoriia Babicheva

Viktoriia Babicheva - Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  vbb@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 236C
Photo: Ganesh Balakrishnan

Ganesh Balakrishnan - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  gunny@unm.edu
Office:  Center for High Tech Materials Room 116B
Phone:  505.272.7970
Photo: Ali Bidram

Ali Bidram - Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:   bidram@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 133C
Phone:  505 277-2291
Photo: Tito Busani

Tito Busani - Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  busanit@unm.edu
Phone:  (505) 239-4202
Photo: Francesca Cavallo

Francesca Cavallo - Associate Professor, ECE Associate Chair

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  fcavallo@unm.edu
Photo: Christos Christodoulou

Christos Christodoulou - Professor, Director of COSMIAC

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  christos@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 330
Phone:  505-277-6580
Photo: Michael Devetsikiotis

Michael Devetsikiotis - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  mdevets@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 125B
Phone:  505 277-2436
Photo: Tarief Elshafiey

Tarief Elshafiey - Lecturer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  telshafiey@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 235C
Phone:  505 277-1475
Photo: Daniel Feezell

Daniel Feezell - Professor, OSE Chair

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  dfeezell@unm.edu
Office:  Center for High Tech Materials (CHTM) Room 112B
Phone:  505.272.7823
Photo: Rafael Fierro

Rafael Fierro - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  rfierro@unm.edu
Photo: Charles Fleddermann

Charles Fleddermann - Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  cbf@unm.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 3071
Phone:  505.277.5521
Photo: Mark Gilmore

Mark Gilmore - Professor, ECE Department Chair

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  mgilmore@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 321B
Phone:  505.277.2579
Photo: Liz Godwin

Liz Godwin - Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  lgodwin@unm.edu
Photo: Sudharman Jayaweera

Sudharman K. Jayaweera - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  jayaweera@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical Computer and Engineering (ECE) Room 321
Phone:  505.277.1078
Photo: Ramiro Jordan

Ramiro Jordan - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  rjordan@unm.edu
Photo: Jane Lehr

Jane Lehr - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  jmlehr@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 323B
Phone:  505 277-1749
Photo: Manel Martinez-Ramon

Manel Martinez-Ramon - King Felipe VI Endowed Chair, Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  manel@unm.edu
Phone:  505 277-3008
Photo: Milad Marvian

Milad Marvian - Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  mmarvian@unm.edu
Photo: David Modisette

David Modisette - Adjunct Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  dmodiset@unm.edu
Phone:  505 277-4409
Photo: Edward Nava

Edward John Nava - Lecturer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  ejnava@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Room 229C
Phone:  505 277-0809
Photo: Meeko Oishi

Meeko Mitsuko Karen Oishi - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  oishi@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering Room 134C
Phone:  505.277.0299
Photo: Marek Osinski

Marek Osinski - Distinguished Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  osinski@chtm.unm.edu
Phone:  505 272-7812
Photo: Jose Palacios

Jose Palacios - Senior Lecturer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  jpalacios@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 219-A
Phone:  505-277-0905
Photo: Marios Pattichis

Marios Pattichis - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  pattichi@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Building Room 229-A
Phone:  505-277-0486
Photo: Jim Plusquellic

Jim Plusquellic - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  jplusq@unm.edu
Office:  ECE Room 236C
Phone:  505-277-0785
Photo: Balu Santhanam

Balu Santhanam - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  bsanthan@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 326A
Phone:  505.277.1611
Photo: Edl Schamiloglu

Edl Schamiloglu - Distinguished Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  edls@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 323C
Phone:  505.277.4423
Photo: Ashwani Sharma

Ashwani Kumar Sharma - Lecturer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  sharmaa@unm.edu
Phone:  (505) 846-0165
Photo: Xiang Sun

Xiang Sun - Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  sunxiang@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 224C
Phone:  (505) 277-1433
Photo: Eirini Tsiropoulou

Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou - Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Area Chair & Director of Recruiting and Admissions

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  eirini@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 326B
Phone:  (505) 277-5501
Photo: Payman Zarkesh-Ha

Payman Zarkesh-Ha - Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email:  pzarkesh@unm.edu
Office:  Electrical And Computer Engineering (ECE) Room 230B
Phone:  505.277.6724