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ECE Staff Wins Provost Workgroup Award
May 20, 2016
The entire ECE Staff has won the 2016 Outstanding Workgroup Award from the UNM Provost Committee (PCS), it was announced Monday (May 16).
The Awards Reception will take place this Friday at 3:30 pm (May 20) at the Faculty Club located at 1923 Las Lomas.
The ECE staff is a tight-knit organization consisting of (alphabetically): Reesie Chavez, Elmyra Grelle, Shannon Kindilien, Reiner Martens, Frank Mercer, David Modisette, Yvone Nelson, Cornelia Platero, Chuck Reuben, Tom Sahs and Oskar Sajka.
Every year the Provost Committee for Staff selects one workgroup from the University to honor for their outstanding performance and this year ECE made the mark.
"Workgroups, by their very nature, are much different from individual awards," said PCS member, Rosa Garcia, who was part of the selection committee.
Garcia explained that the winner of the Outstanding Workgroup Award demonstrated significant achievement in many areas. Not only did the ECE staff provide extraordinary service to both UNM and the community but they also exemplified University Values and worked well as a team.
"Wow, that’s awesome! We rock!" said ECE Systems Analyst I Tom Sahs upon hearing that he and his co-workers would share in this year's award.
The winners of the Outstanding Workgroup Award will be on display on a plaque in Scholes Hall and Garcia promised that each member of the workgroup can also expect to get some "swag," but she is keeping mum about what that will be.
"This will be a very nice way to end the week," said Rosa Garcia, "We hope to see you there."
ECE Chair Christos Christodoulou agreed to shut the departmental office on Friday at 3 pm so that everybody could attend the Awards Reception at the Faculty Club.