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New Shared Credit Degree Program in ECE: BS/MS in EE or CompE
January 20, 2015
In line with the new shared credit degree program initiative of the School of Engineering, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will allow students to complete a BS and MS degree in five years. The key idea behind the program is that some courses are allowed to be counted towards both the Bachelors and Masters degrees.
For Shared Credit BS/MS program in Computer Engineering, a maximum of up to 12 credit hours of 400 or above credits are allowed to be shared. For Shared Credit BS/MS program in Electrical Engineering, a maximum of up to 9 credit hours of 400 or above credits are allowed to be shared. No other below 500 level credits are allowed.
Student must complete the shared credit BS/MS within 2 calendar years after the semester they complete the ECE420. If all BS/MS requirements are not completed by this deadline, the student will no longer be able to count shared credits towards the MS degree. In those cases, the student will be required to follow regular Plan I or Plan II options for the MS degree with associated requirements.
Application for the shared credit program must be done when a student is enrolled for courses that will complete the 5th semester of her/his BS curriculum. For Spring 2015, the application deadline is January 12th, 2015. Application deadline for Fall is April 1st and for Spring is Nov 1st. Admission decisions will be made early in the following semester (January or August, depending on the semester that the student applies) based on grades earned through the 5th semester of the curriculum.
Note that, for students pursuing a BS to MS program within the same discipline, admission is automatic if the student has a GPA of 3.5 or better in STEM courses. The GPA is calculated based on courses (including UNM core) that are required for the BS degree. Only a short application will be required. For students pursuing BS to MS program within the same discipline whose degree GPA falls between 3.0 and 3.5 in STEM courses, a more extensive application will be required including letters of recommendation from faculty and advisers. See here for the Application form.
For questions regarding the shared credit BS/MS degree programs in ECE, please contact the undergraduate and graduate coordinators in the department: Ms. Yvone Nelson ( and Ms. Elmyra Grelle (