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Peng & Team Win Big at SPI2016
October 21, 2016

ECE Professor Zhen Peng recently won the Young Investigator Training Program Award at the 20th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI2016). This conference took place May 8-11 in Turin, Italy.
Dr. Peng has been an Assistant Professor at ECE since August of 2013. He was recently awarded The ECE 2016 Distinguished Researcher Award.
The Young Investigator Training Program Award (which can only be won by non-Italian researchers under the age of 40 years) recognized the merit of Dr. Peng's research into the boundary integral-resonant mode expansion method and its application in signal integrity problems of IC and electronics.
The $4500 award covered Dr. Peng's registration to the conference as well as his travel costs, lodging and meals for one month at a research center in Italy. He was hosted by Prof. Maurizio Bozzi and Prof. Luca Perregrini from The University of Pavia, Italy.
In addition to winning the Young Investigator Training Program Award, Zhen Peng also received the Best Poster Paper as a co-author at the SPI2016 conference.
He shared this honor with Shen Lin and Hong-Wei Gao who are also members of the Applied Electromagnetics Group at the ECE Department. Shen Lin is working as a PhD student for Dr. Peng.
Hong-Wei Gao is currently a Research Scholar. Both Shen Lin and Hong-Wei Gao have been working with Dr. Peng since September 2015.