
Application to Graduate

Students should apply to graduate a year in advance (i.e., prior to the final 2-3 semesters not including Summer) from their projected graduation semester. Academic advisors will check the application for accuracy and feasibility of planned graduation date. An additional check will occur prior to a student’s final semester to ensure the student is on track or to inform them of any changes that may be needed.

Completed applications to graduate are to be submitted to Students that have submitted an application but need to update any of their graduation information at any point later (change graduation semester, add/remove additional majors/minors, etc.) should meet with an academic advisor.

Application to Graduate

Graphic with world globe wearing a graduation cap and diplomaGraduation FAQs

How and when do I get my degree (diploma/certified transcript)?
A:  Official degree certification by the UNM Registrar is finalized 1-2 months after the end of the semester. Diplomas are not given out during the graduation ceremonies, but are instead delivered via USPS to the address on file with the UNM Registrar. If you would like to have your diploma held for pick up, you need to contact the UNM Registrar.

You can check and update the address you have on file in the UNM Portal by clicking this sentence.

What are the requirements to receive honors?
A: There are three different honors designations for undergraduates. These are Departmental Honors, University Honors, and Baccalaureate Honors. Please click this sentence to learn more about each.

Where do I get my cap and gown and other graduation items?
Caps, gowns, cords, announcements and other accessories for graduation are available at the UNM Bookstore.

What is the difference between Commencement and SOE Convocation?
UNM Commencement Graduation ceremony where all UNM graduating students of any major may participate. The UNM President presides over the ceremony and will officially confer your degree upon you. Students must sign up online prior to the deadline.

SOE Convocation  This is a celebration ceremony to specifically honor School of Engineering graduates. Thus, it is a smaller and shorter ceremony focused on engineering students. There is no sign up required as all pending graduates are included in the program whether or not they choose to attend. Emails will be sent to these students throughout the semester with information about the ceremony and details are also available on the graduation website in the SOE section.

Students are welcome to participate in both ceremonies, just one, or neither. It is not necessary to attend to receive the diploma (as mentioned previously, the degree is certified at a later time), though students will receive a diploma cover.

Will my name be automatically printed in the Commencement/Convocation Programs?
Prospective degree recipients who have submitted their Application to Graduate will automatically be printed in the commencement and convocation programs. Students who have a privacy flag set in their student record will NOT be printed in the programs. unless they do one of the following:

  • Contact the Office of the Registrar at the campus where you attend to have the privacy flag removed before the deadline noted on the Office of the University Secretary website.
  • Sign a "Limited Privacy Waiver" in the Office of the University Secretary (bring picture ID) before the deadline.

Is there a graduation ceremony for students graduating in the summer?

UNM and SOE only host Spring and Fall graduation ceremonies. Students finishing their degree requirements in the summer may participate in either one. For UNM’s Commencement ceremony, please refer to their website for sign up instruction or points of contact for questions. For SOE Convocation, simply attend during your ceremony of choice (Fall or Spring). To ensure you’re also listed in your preferred semester graduating program, coordinate with your academic advisor early during that semester.


Revised February 2023