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"Select" ECE Advisory Board Meets

December 10, 2015

ECE Advisory Board MeetsThe ECE Advisory Board met with faculty and staff members of the ECE department on Friday morning, Dec. 4 in the conference room.

"The ECE Advisory Board is a select group of  very successful professionals that enthusiastically agreed to serve and advise our department," said ECE Chair Dr. Christos Christodoulou. "The Advisory Board identifies pressing teaching and research issues and helps us evaluate the department’s educational objectives."

The members of the ECE Advisory Board are David McBride (NASA), John Hawkings (PNM), Kelly Hahn (SNL), Casey DeRaad and Jesse Mee (from AFRL) Divya Thakur (a NRC Fellow), Luke Lester (former Chair) and Kamil Agi (SensorComm Technologies).

The five-hour session began with opening remarks and an introduction by ECE Chair Dr. Christos Christodoulou. This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Ganesh Balakrishnan, who talked about ABET certification and Undergraduate Affairs.

Dr. Mark Gilmore then gave a presentation which focused on  Graduate Affairs within the department.

The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing the ongoing ABET evaluation process, program educational objectives and future improvements of teaching labs, classrooms and research.

Please click this sentence to view a group photo of those who attended the meeting.