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Free Food Pantry Opens for Hungry Lobos!
February 15, 2022

Current UNM Students can get free groceries and toiletries in room 1093 of the Student Union (first floor).
The Lobo Food Pantry is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
It is also open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 3 to 5 pm.
Please be sure to bring your UNM ID card (or a valid ID), as well well as your UNM ID number.
Also, don't forget to bring a box or a bag to carry your groceries.
Here are some reflections about the Lobo Food Pantry from UNM Provost James Paul Holloway:
The pantry was brought to life by Lisa Lindquist, Director of the LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center, and by Olivia Torres Jojola, Program Coordinator in the Center, as well as by a dedicated group of volunteers and supporters.
Since its creation in 2014 the pantry has continually evolved, starting as a mobile pantry, then, based on the feedback of the students who needed its services, moving into on-campus space in the University Advisement & Enrichment Center. The pantry has served thousands of UNM students, providing them with some of the nutritional resources they need to be successful learners and contributors to our community.
The move to the new space in the SUB was inspired by ASUNM Vice President Ryan Regalado, who realized that greater visibility would allow more students to find this important resource, and remind the rest of us of the need. Ryan was moved to act by the UNM Basic Needs Study, led by Professors Sarita Cargas, Marygold Walsh-Dilley, and Ann V. Murphy. Dr. Heather Mechler was also a key driver for this study, and the lead data analysist. These colleagues realized that no university in New Mexico had undertaken a basic needs study, and that UNM should be the first. Secretary Rodriguez recognized the importance of this study, and reflected on how it was influencing state policy.
The chain of influence should remind all of us that none of us alone can offer the solution, but the unexpected connections between us can create movement on a complex challenge. The basic needs study data demonstrated the necessity of supporting students’ nutritional needs, for you cannot feed and grow your mind if the rest of your body is not also nourished. The move to the SUB will allow a better quality of space and service, and will allow us to provide refrigeration to expand the nutritional offerings the pantry can keep on hand. Arranged to provide something of a grocery store experience, the new Pantry location has had over 80 patrons per week take advantage of its service.
Our Earth brings us the basic elements of life: holding a blanket of air to breathe, recycling water to slake our thirst, and growing the food that we all must eat to allow our purpose of creating a stronger, more peaceful, and beautiful society. It is fitting at this time of harvest to be grateful for this food, and it is fitting at this time to recognize the hard work of all the Lobos, and the many others who have helped them, in bringing this food to those who need it through the Lobo Food Pantry. It is easy to be proud when there are so many amazing people at our university.