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Tsiropoulou wins IEEE Outstanding Engineering Educator Award
October 15, 2021
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, an Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico, is the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Albuquerque Section Outstanding Engineering Educator Award.
This award recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to the engineering profession through teaching in industry, government or in an institution of higher learning.
The award is given to Tsiropoulou “for outstanding contributions in education, engineering, and research in Next Generation Wireless Networks.”
Hired in 2017 at ECE, UNM, Dr. Tsiropoulou teaches 3 courses every year in the ECE Department with high enrollment, while two of them being core undergraduate courses. Dr. Tsiropoulou teaches ECE 341: Communications Systems, ECE 440: Introduction to Computer Networks, and ECE 524: Network Economics.
In the last 4 years, Dr. Tsiropoulou has already graduated 6 MS students and 1 Ph.D. student, where all of them have already been hired in Sandia National Laboratories and Facebook, as Research Scientists. Dr. Tsiropoulou organizes a summer boot camp every year at her research lab, Performance and Resource Optimization in Networks (PROTON Lab), attracting high-school students from the local public and private schools.
Also, Dr. Tsiropoulou is an active member of the Communications and Computer Societies. In 2021, she organizes 3 international IEEE/ACM conferences, acting as a Technical Program Committee Co-Chair: 19th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 13th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference. Dr. Tsiropoulou is also co-organizing the NSF NETS EARLY-CAREER INVESTIGATOR (ECI) WORKSHOP in August 2021.
Dr. Tsiropoulou’s main research interests lie in the intersection of Communications, Computing, Control, and Caching (4C). She focuses on applications on cyber-physical social systems and wireless heterogeneous networks, with emphasis on network modeling and optimization, resource orchestration in interdependent systems, reinforcement learning, game theory, network economics, and the Internet of Things.
Five of her papers received the Best Paper Award at IEEE WCNC in 2012, ADHOCNETS in 2015, IEEE/IFIP WMNC 2019, INFOCOM 2019 by the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Communications Systems Integration and Modeling, and IEEE/ACM BRAINS 2020.
She was selected by the IEEE Communication Society - N2Women - as one of the top ten Rising Stars of 2017 in the communications and networking field. Her research work is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Sandia National Laboratories, and industry. Dr. Tsiropoulou is acting as the Computer Engineering Area Chair in ECE, UNM since 2021.
“I am honored to have been selected for the IEEE Albuquerque Section Outstanding Engineering Educator Award. A special thanks to my colleagues, Jim Plusquellic, Mark Gilmore, and Payman Zarkesh-Ha, who nominated me for this award, and they have truly been a pleasure to work with!” said Tsiropoulou.