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News Archives
Make New Friends, Eat Well & Find Help
May 1, 2021

UNM understands Covid-19 restrictions have made connecting with other students and finding involvement opportunities more difficult this year. We want to help.
To assist students in finding social and engagement outlets, the Student Activities Center is creating Lobo Social Packs of students for facilitated activities on or near campus. These packs will include a total of 4 students and 1 involved student leader.
Click this sentence to sign up!
Gatherings will be a mix of in-person and virtual activities and include things like eating at La Posada together, attending campus events (Drag Bingo, crafting events, movie watch parties,...), game nights, walking field trips (to Rude Boy Cookies, Freddy's,...), and more!
All in-person activities will require students to wear a mask at all times and comply with State of New Mexico Covid safe guidelines.
Next Question: Are you hungry?
The Campus Lobo Food Pantry is now a drive-up and pick-up service for this period of social distancing. Students can drive or walk up to our check-in located outside the University Advisement & Enrichment Center on main campus.
Students will be asked to provide their name, ID number, and email address so the LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center can relay any updates on the food pantry. Pre-made bags will be available to students. Additional items will be available upon request.
Pantry hours:
Mondays: 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
The Roadrunner Food Bank is at EXPO New Mexico every Tuesday! For a list of other distribution sites, visit their website:
Please refer to the Campus Resources for Students Below for more information about how UNM can help you! Or visit the Student Activities Center at
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