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33 Lobos Attend 20K SWE Conference

October 30, 2018

33 Lobos Attend 20K SWE Conference

Thirty-three UNM students (including nine from ECE!) attended the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) National Conference in Minneapolis Oct 17-21. With 20,000 attendees this was the largest SWE ever, giving UNM Students the opportunity to network, attend workshops, and speak with prospective employers.

The UNM SWE section worked with the School of Engineering, and the National Science Foundation to raise $19,800 in funding to attend the conference.

Students learned how to handle harassment in the workplace, how to negotiate their salaries, and other vital professional skills through panels and workshops. They were also given the opportunity to hear from industry leaders and attend technical talks.

For many, like Computer Engineering Major Lea Casper (’19), these talks were more than just educational, they were inspiring.

“Going to the talks was my favorite part of the conference. I felt empowered by the women speaking, and I felt more affirmed about the path I am choosing in engineering,” said Casper.

The career fair gave students the opportunity to meet with over 500 companies and graduate schools. Beyond just applying for jobs and internships this portion of the conference allowed students to explore the vast range of engineering careers and companies.

AstronautCivil Engineering student Sabrina Moore (’19) said the career fair showed her the possibilities within engineering. “I had no idea the number of doors I had in front of me. I have a whole new perspective on what a career in my field can look like,” said Moore.

This conference allowed the members to grow closer and develop a sense of community within the club. At group dinners and social outings members of the UNM SWE chapter got to know each other and build bonds.

Chemical Engineering student and UNM SWE Vice President Emily Hopkins (’20) spoke to the importance finding a community within engineering.

“Bonding with other SWE members helped me create friends within the School of Engineering. Because of SWE I found peers I could reach out to for support,” said Hopkins.

This experience wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of the National Science Foundation, The School of Engineering, and the various departments. The UNM SWE section extends their deepest gratitude to all that helped in this process.

This story was written by Delaney Rose Heileman

SWE Delaney