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ECE Profs Krishna and Feezell Make the TV News!
February 6, 2015 - Chuck Reuben
ECE Professors Sanjay Krishna and Daniel Feezell were featured on two local TV news stations this week.
Krishna and Feezell work in different fields but their research has caught the public's attention because they both hit so close to home: Afterall, what could be more personal than protecting the PIN numbers of our debit cards? And what could be cooler than a novel way of projecting and viewing images we are used to seeing on a flat screen monitor?
In a story aired on KRQE news 13, Krishna, the director of the Center for High Technology, was interviewed about his research into the uses (and abuses) of tiny infrared cameras that are now entering the marketplace. These pocket-sized, $250 devices help airplane pilots land and firefighters see through smoke, but they canalso cause the rest of us a world of pain: Criminals can now figure out the PIN numbers of our debit cards by the sequential heat imprint left behind on an ATM's keyboard. Click this link to view the story!
Feezell's research was featured on KOAT channel 7 news and concerns the development of blue and green lasers. Everybody knows about red lasers but imagine the potential of combining that red laser light with blue and green laser light! The National Science foundation has awarded Feezell a $500,000 grant to discover new ways of improving the usefulness of lasers in ways that are going to knock our socks off! Learn more about Feezell's research by clicking here.