PhD Qualifying Exam

All Ph.D. candidates are expected to take the PhD Qualifying exam to demonstrate and establish satisfactory academic and scholastic preparation. A graduate student can take the Qualifying exam no more than twice in his/her Ph.D. program.

The qualifying exam must be attempted upon the completion of the student’s core courses, within four semesters of admission to the Ph.D. program, unless otherwise determined by the academic advisor and ECE’s Graduate Program Director. See ECE major core courses.

The exam consists of a written submission and oral presentation, followed by an oral question and answer session. The presentation is to be based on the reading of research literature in the student’s Emphasis area and a short proposal for how the research could be expanded.

Learn more about the New Format of the ECE Dept. Ph.D. Qualifying Exam, as presented by Mark Gilmore on July 10, 2020 at an Information Session for ECE Graduate Students.

ece phd graphic 10-25-23

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