Tarief Elshafiey
Phone: 505 277-1475
Physical Address
ECE Building
Mailing Address
MSC01 1100
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PhD, Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, 1996
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, 1989, Two-year Diploma in Electro- physics, Alexandria University., Egypt, 1980
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Military Technical College, Egypt, 1977
Eight years as a professional Avionics Engineer in Egyptian Air Force (EAF), three years as QA Engineer in two American companies, General Dynamics and Holmes and Narver, two years as R&D Engineer in EAF R&D Center, four years as R&D Manager in the Egyptian Armament Authority, seven years as a Technical Consultant for Misr Advanced Systems (MAS) and SATRA, three years as a Teaching Associate in Arizona State University, USA.
17 years as a part time and full time Lecturer for Electrical & Electronics Engineering courses in Military Technical College, Air Defense College, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Yanbu Industrial College, KSA, and University of New Mexico, seven years as a Head of Electrical Engineering Department in October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), and five years as a Link tutor between Faculty of Engineering in MSA and Engineering School in University of Greenwich, UK, member in QA Committee in Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Quality Assurance & Electronics Program Coordinator at Yanbu Industrial College, KSA.
Associate Editor in Yanbu Journal of Engineering and Science, reviewer for a book proposal for IEEE Press in 2008, reviewer for a book in mm wave communication system for J. Wielly & IEEE Press in 2011, reviewer for a book proposal for IEEE Press in 2012, session chair in professional conferences, reviewer for ISWTA2011, RFM2011, ISWTA2012, APACE2012, ISWTA2013, and RFM2013 conferences, reviewer for Journal of Computational Physics and IEEE TMTT.
Teaching Interests
- EM Fields & Guided Waves
- Antenna Theory and Design
- Microwave Engineering and Devices
- Analog and digital Communications Systems
- Satellite Communications
- Material Science
- Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
- Signals and Systems
- Control Systems
- Power Systems
- Math for Engineering Applications
- Electrical Circuits I & II
- Electronics I & II
- Digital Logic I & II
- Measurements & Instrumentations
Research Interests
- Microwave circuit and devices
- Antenna analysis and Design
- Numerical techniques in Electromagnetics
- Interaction of electromagnetic with materials
- Wave propagation in different media and theoretical electromagnetics