Meeko Mitsuko Karen Oishi
Phone: 505.277.0299
Fax: 505.277.8298
Physical Address
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Building #
46 on the UNM map
Mailing Address
MSC01 1100
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2004, with PhD Minor, Electrical Engineering
MS, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2000
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Princeton University, 1998
Dr. Meeko Oishi’s research focuses on providing assurances of safety in autonomous cyber-physical systems, despite uncertainty in the environment and in human interaction with the autonomous system. She is interested in making autonomous system truly human-centric, in a manner that can accommodate the heterogeneity and variability of humans, without sacrificing reliability or performance. Her lab develops computationally efficient methods and theory for probabilistic safety, based in control, optimization, and non-parametric learning. Techniques her research group has developed have been applied to aircraft flight management systems, space vehicles, and robotics.
Teaching Interests
- Introduction to control systems
- Signals and systems
- Nonlinear systems and control
- Cyberphysical systems
Research Interests
- Hybrid systems and control
- Control of human-in-the-loop systems
- Stochastic reachability analysis and controller synthesis
- Stochastic optimal control
- Non-parametric learning and control
- Motor control in Parkinson's disease