Ganesh Balakrishnan
Phone: 505.272.7970
Fax: 505.272.7801
Physical Address
Center for High Tech Materials
Building #
338 on the UNM map
Mailing Address
MSC04 2710
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PhD, Optical science and engineering, University of New Mexico, 2006
MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Toledo, 2001
BS, Electronics and Communications Engineering, University of Madras, 2000
Dr. Balakrishnan’s primary research focus for the past decade has been the growth and characterization of highly mismatched III-Sb compound semiconductors on GaAs and Silicon substrates. The specific contribution made by Dr. Balakrishnan to this area of research is the novel use of interfacial misfit dislocation arrays in enabling low defect-density, bufferless, monolithic integration of III-Sb on GaAs and Silicon substrates for increased antimonide device functionality on mature platforms. His body of work using molecular beam epitaxy has resulted in over 60 peer-reviewed publications, 30 conference presentations and several patents.
Teaching Interests
- Semiconductor materials and devices
- Optoelectronics
- Semiconductor lasers
Research Interests
- Mismatched semiconductor epitaxy
- Narrow-gap semiconductor devices
- Photovoltaic devices