Christos Christodoulou
Phone: 505-277-6580
Fax: 505-277-8298
Physical Address
ECE Building
Building #
46 on the UNM map

Professor, Director of COSMIAC
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae
PhD, EE, North Carolina State University, 1985
MS, EE, North Caroline State University, 1981
BS, Physics and Math, American University in Cairo, 1979
Served as the chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department from 1999 to 2005 and Dean of SOE from 2017-2023. He is a Fellow member of IEEE, a member of Commission B of URSI, an IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer (2007-2010), and a Distinguished Professor at UNM. Currently, he is the Director of COSMIAC (Aerospace Research Center) st SOE. He has advised over 40 Ph.D. students and over 75 M.S, has published over 600 papers in journals and conferences, has 18 book chapters and has co-authored 9 books.
Teaching Interests
- Antennas and EM
- Microwave Engineering
- RF Circuits
Research Interests
- Cognitive Radio
- Antennas (Reconfigurable, High Power Microwaves, Wireless Communications)
- Machine Learning Applications in Electromagnetics
Center/Laboratory/Program Affiliations
- Computational Electromagnetics and Antennas Lab